Friday, 17 January 2014

The Maulid (birthday of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH) - What the children can learn from it?

Assalamualaikum wbt..

Hopefully all of you are in a good condition. The Maulidur Rasul just passed by and it is actually a great opportunity to introduce Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) life, as messenger of Allah to our children. Besides celebrating the day of Maulidur Rasul with dzikir and others related activities, we could incorporate some aspect of each activity daily. Whatever method we choose, these are small ways to instill a love for the blessed Prophet Muhammad while showing what a critical role his example plays in everybody's life. Here is SEVEN ACTIVITIES we can continuously do concerning the life of the Prophet.

1. Power of Play

The Prophet Muhammad PBUH understood the importance of fun and games. He would race with his wife Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) who used to beat him most of the time. He would swim and wrestle with his companions and joke with them. He played with and loved children too.

2. Travel with The Prophet

Encourage the children to trace the map of Saudi Arabia. Note down the different places the Prophet Muhammad PBUH traveled to from Mekkah or Madinah. 

3. Organize Bedtime Islamic Storytelling

The first step of loving and learning from the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his life is to know about him and what made him great. Choose the best Islamic storytelling before going to sleep.

4. Sleep like Him

Follow the sunnah of Rasulullah SAW while sleeping. Encourage the children to practice this sunnah in their daily life. Prophet Muhammad PBUH also made his ablution before going to bed. 

5. Wake up with The Prophet

Get the whole family to get up in 1/3 midnight to perform Tahajjud and other special prayer during weekend. Encourage them to the best of their ability to stay awake to worship Allah as Prophet Muhammad did.

6. Eat like Him

Teach your children to wash our hands before eating, recite dua and begin to eat with our right hand.

7. Pray like The Prophet

Do the jemaah prayer. Have a different person lead the prayers each day and do correct their mistakes if they make any.

All of the above is collective idea what the children learn from The Maulid. It is a good practice in our daily life as we follow the suunah of our Prophet Muhammad PBUH. 

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