Tuesday, 18 June 2013

What is Islamic Fun Science?

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Islamic Fun Science™ is a program by the Fun Science Sdn. Bhd. for preschoolers aged 3-6 years old. The program contains science lessons integrated with Islamic values to enhance the understanding of nature of studies within Islamic context to the children.

Do you know that one of the best moments to educate our children is during playtime? Islamic Fun Science lessons are hands on and fun. It prepares us with meaningful moments that can bond our relationship with our children and at the same time boost their thoughts and Imaan.

Children are smart. They always have questions for you. Sometimes you find yourself having a hard time to answer their questions. Besides teaching them the facts, you should balance the answers by teaching them the values of Islam.

For example, when your children ask:
“Why is there shadows?”
Your answer should be:
“Because there’s light around. When there’s light, there must be shadow. Shadow may help us to determine our Zuhur and Asr praying time! Allah always help us to perform our ibadah. MashaAllah!”

When your children ask:
“What is inside a balloon?”
Your answer should be:
“There’s air inside it. We cannot see the air, but we know it exists. Just like Allah, we can’t see Him, but we know He exists”

When your children ask:
“Why is the water wet?”
You answer should be:
Because water is a type of liquid. Liquids are wet. Allah made water for us to bathe, to clean ourselves and to make wudhu’. Allah is great”

Children are like sponges, they can absorb and learn whatever they are taught like a champion. Thus, it is important for us to nurture them in the best way to strengthen their knowledge and also their Imaan

Please visit our website to learn more about Islamic Fun Science.


Thursday, 13 June 2013

Little ScientistS Launching of Islamic Fun Science

"When you explore Little Scientists, you will explore your Iman." said Ustazah Isfadiah. Watch the video and be amazed by the science magic during the launch of Islamic Fun Science by Little Scientists.
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